So here we are 2017 done and dusted, 101 beer tokens taken, and how did I fare you ask? Here's a few stats: - Most tokens used in a month: December (12 tokens, $420) luckily I managed to hold enough tokens to finish strong through the silly season. - Least tokens used in a month: August (6 tokens, $300) clearly I managed to snag a few free drinks in December! - Most money spent on booze: July (10 tokens $470) the month of engagements and property purchases so plenty of celebrating! - Least money spent on booze: October (7 tokens, $190) A purposefully quiet month so that I could have fun in December Total tokens: 101 Total money spent: $3918 And how much money did I save do you ask? Well this is very rough maths at best but assuming at my old rate I drank 3-4 times a week at roughly $35 a pop (2 pints during the week at $20 plus anywhere from $50-$150 over a weekend) that would equate to roughly $6370. Total savings: $2453.00 WOW, I know it's rough maths but that s...