So I'm a touch late putting this one together, partly because the last few months have been crazy and also partly because I wasn't quite sure what to write. As the year has gone on the tokens have become normalised not just for my friends but for me as well so I've had to reflect a little longer to check if I had anything to report. Token use declined slightly over the last few months as I thought about what events the end of the year had in store that would warrant token use and to be honest it's been really nice cutting back some of my drinking a little further. To have a reason (outside of I don't feel like it) to only drink one night of the weekend has been great. Not because friends will hassle me, as they now understand the #tokenlyf but for myself to not have a drink for no real reason on a Friday or Saturday and wake up feeling worse for wear. Tokens were well spent in July and August with a few massive life events that called for a few tokens and glass...