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Full Time

So here we are 2017 done and dusted, 101 beer tokens taken, and how did I fare you ask? Here's a few stats: - Most tokens used in a month: December (12 tokens, $420) luckily I managed to hold enough tokens to finish strong through the silly season. - Least tokens used in a month: August (6 tokens, $300) clearly I managed to snag a few free drinks in December! - Most money spent on booze: July (10 tokens $470) the month of engagements and property purchases so plenty of celebrating! - Least money spent on booze: October (7 tokens, $190) A purposefully quiet month so that I could have fun in December Total tokens: 101 Total money spent: $3918 And how much money did I save do you ask? Well this is very rough maths at best but assuming at my old rate I drank 3-4 times a week at roughly $35 a pop (2 pints during the week at $20 plus anywhere from $50-$150 over a weekend) that would equate to roughly $6370. Total savings: $2453.00 WOW, I know it's rough maths but that s...
Recent posts

Three Quarter Time

So I'm a touch late putting this one together, partly because the last few months have been crazy and also partly because I wasn't quite sure what to write. As the year has gone on the tokens have become normalised not just for my friends but for me as well so I've had to reflect a little longer to check if I had anything to report. Token use declined slightly over the last few months as I thought about what events the end of the year had in store that would warrant token use and to be honest it's been really nice cutting back some of my drinking a little further. To have a reason (outside of I don't feel like it) to only drink one night of the weekend has been great. Not because friends will hassle me, as they now understand the #tokenlyf but for myself to not have a drink for no real reason on a Friday or Saturday and wake up feeling worse for wear. Tokens were well spent in July and August with a few massive life events that called for a few tokens and glass...

Half Time

Half way through the 101 tokens trip yippee! A big F*ck yeah to anyone else tokening, we've made it 6 months! For me there's been a few ups and downs over 2017 but it does get easier as you go along. I started this blog as a way to increase my motivation and vent some of my frustration in March when the initial novelty of the Token idea had worn off and I was struggling with a few internal and external factors relating to more conscious drinking. Once again three months later it's a good time to reflect on the highlights and learning of the last few months. At the start of the year when I was explaining the Token rules to friends and family a lot of comments went along the line of "Don't worry if you blow out over summer because you'll make it up in winter." Clearly they did not know what my June would have in store! Tokens were used at not one but two hens (one of which resulted in an almighty spewy hangover and a delayed maccas breakfast), a large hou...

First Quarter

For those of you who have seen the odd #101tokens hashtag on the social medias and are wondering what the kids are up to these days or for those of you who have been out with me recently to find out that I'm not drinking and first wondered if I'm pregnant and secondly wondered what game I'm up to please let me explain. Or for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about do read on....... Inspired by the 2016 efforts of a guy I'd met in South America 6 years ago I decided to embark on his crazy new year challenge, 101 beer tokens. Rules are simple: 1. From 1st January – 31st December (365 days) we have 101 Beer Tokens. That's  just under two tokens per week. 2. One sip of anything alcoholic uses a token. 3. A whole night out with many drinks also ONLY uses one token. 4. If a night out goes through and past 7am - that is two tokens. 5. If we go over 101 we have pledged to donate a sum to our favourite charities. We do this via 101 tokens Promise o...